Mango Ginumis

Philippines is highly known for their mangoes. They are sweet and golden. Perfectly eaten fresh or we can make them in any dessert. Ginumis is one of my favorite filipino dessert where fresh sweet mango is perfectly blended with coconut milk.


3 ripe mangoes

1 cup of coconut milk

1 cup of cooked sweetened sago (tapioca)

2 pandan leaves (you can replace this with vanilla pods or vanilla essence)

4 tablespoons of sugar (you can replace this with honey)

you can also add other spices like cinnamon, cardamom or anis for this recipe


Start by peeling the mangoes and cutting its meat in small cubes. Set it aside. In a pan, pour the coconut milk, put the pandan leaves and 4 table spoon of sugar. Let it boil. Then turn off the fire immediately. Choose a beautiful and presentable glasses for this dessert. Start by putting a layer of sweetened tapioca (sago) and followed by a layer of sliced mangoes. Pour your coconut milk. Let it stand in the fridge for minimum of one hour.

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Comments: 2

  1. ces June 23, 2008 at 4:20 pm Reply

    oh wow! this is truly ingenious! i love ginumis in itself, but having mango in it would be far out! would love to try this! sayang naman, where are you based ba? will you be willing to share the recipe to gma7 just in case just like what they want to do with manangkusinera’s bibingka cake?

  2. paul December 8, 2010 at 8:47 am Reply

    hmmm… ang sarap nakakawala nang pagud!! sana ganitu nalang for the rest of my life .. nyahahhahaha.. LOLZZ.. grabeh kasarap.. aringkingking

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